Energy Industry Analysis

Energy Industry Analysis (Industry Competitiveness Analysis)


Develop competitiveness analysis models for the three major sectors in the domestic smart grid market (solar panels, DR(including AMI), EV charging) and conduct an analysis and diagnosis of their competitiveness.

Smart Grid Competitiveness Analysis & Assessment Model

Conduct cases studies of preliminary studies based on the Porter’s Diamond Model for the smart grid sector

Developing an Assessment Model in Consideration of the Smart Grid Sector’s Characteristics
  • Production factors are categorized into knowledge and technology
  • Market demand factors are categorized by markets and incorporate implications of existing theories to the fullest extent
  • Related industries and support industries are categorized as policies for analysis, as the eco-system is currently being built by the government initiatives
Composing an Index for the Assessment of the Smart Grid Industry’s Competitiveness
  • Prioritize indicators that can reflect the characteristics of the industry
  • Collect quantitative indicators from local and overseas institutions and information systems and obtain qualitative indicators through surveys with experts, etc.
Detailed Indicators for the Assessment of the Smart Grid Industry’s Competitiveness
Area Detailed Indicators Weighted Value (%)
Knowledge Number of patents 5.6
Number of research papers 5.6
Number of R&D personnel 9.9
Technology Technology maturity 6.1
R&D investment 7.3
Digital national competitiveness 6.7
Market Domestic market size 9.5
Exports 9.5
Infrastructure size 3.9
Energy price 7.3
National competitiveness 6.7
Policy Support budget size 7.3
Infrastructure expansion goal 7.3
Demonstration project status 7.3
Subtotal 100
Promotion Directions
  • Promote the comparison and analysis with key competing nations by utilizing the data collected and analyzed in the comprehensive index
  • (Countries for comparison (tentative)) US, China, Japan, EU, UK, India, etc.